We respect your privacy, and use your information only to share with you more details about Haverford Reserve.
We log your IP address to help us track how our site is used, and to ensure access to every page on the site. If you clicked on a link or advertisement to reach our website, we log that information in our database to help us expand our internet reach and better understand visitors’ interests. Note: these reports share group information only. It is difficult to identify you through your IP address, and we don’t attempt to.
We may place a small text file known as a "cookie" on your hard drive to allow us to see if you've visited before, and enable us to track your path through our website. Understanding how visitors use our site helps us improve the experience for others.
Cookies cannot read data off of your hard drive or retrieve information from cookies created by other websites. You can refuse a cookie by following the procedure outlined by your web browser – but if you do, you may find that your browser reacts strangely when visiting our site, and others. Since cookies contain no information that can identify you, we suggest allowing us to place one on your computer.
Our website managers also utilize Google Analytics, which uses cookies to make ads more engaging to our users. You’ll find details at https://www.google.com/policies/technologies/types. To opt-out of Google Analytics tracking, visit https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
We may also use “web beacons" on our site or in e-mails. These tiny, typically invisible 1x1 pixel images monitor who visits our site or reads our emails, and record the other websites they visit. Adding this information to our database ensures that our visitors see ads or social content they’ve shown an interest in.
Web beacons are represented as HTML IMG tags; users can click on "view profiles" to see whether the web page is using a beacon. To learn more, or to opt out of having ad servers provide targeted ads, visit https://www.networkadvertising.org/managing/opt_out.asp.